Pandorabots is an awesome free chatbot web service that allows you to publish and host chatbots online. I use it as the backend for Virtual Hal (a nicer, electronic version of me), as well as a number of other technical support chatbots that I have created for client sites. You can find a variety of interfaces to connect to your pandorabot online, but the only Flash ones I found were written in Actionscript 2 (which is what I originally used). However, since I updated my website the other day to Actionscript 3, I decided to go ahead and create a new AS3 interface for Virtual Hal. You can try it out below, or download the source.
Flash AS3 Interface for Pandorabots
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Aside from being a champion yo-yoer, I am the full-time computer geek at the American Society of Nephrology. I recently completed my MBA from George Washington University which I am hoping will enable me to finally afford my own bad habits. I also do freelance design, specializing in Flash, PHP, and ASP/ASP.NET. View all posts by Hal